Barney is a friendly dinosaur who likes playing with children. One day Barney and his little friends decide to play hide-and-seek game. Barney's task is to find the children and the presents they have hidden.
Barney travels across four different levels. On each one there are five children and five presents to find. You can only jump in the game when there are higher platforms to access. Despite being a platformer, this is not an action game, since Barney can't die and there is no quick reaction required to complete the game. The game is designed for little children and has a very low difficulty level.
Item photo does not reflect the item condition. There may be alterations in completeness, damage, or otherwise that we are not able to account for. All items marked as pre-owned were sold to us in a variety of conditions and we have attempted to adjust the price as much as possible. Not all games have been tested for functionality.
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