Based on a short-lived animated prime-time television series created by Steven Spielberg and Tim Burton, you play as the title dog through three levels. The young boy in your family likes to target you for his mischief. He sets up volleys of tennis balls and lets loose a vacuum cleaner on you which you must avoid. The cat and other obstacles await you in your house while you collect bones for power.ÂÂ
After all the trouble you cause in the home, you are sent to Obedience School and you have to run a gauntlet of gung-ho instructors and ferocious Dobermans in the heavily-guarded compound. If successful at escaping, you reach a forest filled with wild animals.
You can use flips, spins and barks to make your way through the various obstacles. A special ball when found will trigger a bonus game that will also teach you how to fetch.
Item photo does not reflect the item condition. There may be alterations in completeness, damage, or otherwise that we are not able to account for. All items marked as pre-owned were sold to us in a variety of conditions and we have attempted to adjust price as much as possible. Not all games have been tested for functionality.ÂÂ
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