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Easy Guide to Buying on
- Go to
- Browse items
- Find the item(s) you want
- Add item(s) to cart by clicking “Add to Cart”
Adjust quantity of wanted item by using number indicator to the left of the “Add to Cart” button.
- When you are done adding items to the cart, click the small cart icon with the blue circle over it in the top right corner. This will open up your cart of items you are looking to purchase. Also, as soon as you click the “Add to Cart” button a blue bar will appear near the top of the page that allows you to click a link and go right to your cart as well.
Be sure to check that you have everything you want before proceeding. You can take items out of your cart that you don't want to buy by clicking the “-” button next to the number of items in the cart and clicking it until the item is gone
- If you have any special instructions for your item that you’d like us to know you can fill in the “Special Instructions for Seller” box in the lower left corner (opposite the Checkout button).
You can include packing instructions here, or any other request you have of the store for sending your item!
- In the right hand corner you should be able to see the subtotal (The total of the items in your cart BEFORE tax and shipping) and a Checkout button
- If you have everything you want in your cart and are okay with the subtotal, you can now click the “Checkout” button in the lower right hand corner.
- From there you’ll be taken to a new checkout screen.
There are a two sections here and we will outline them here
The Express Checkout section: You can use these services (“ShopPay”, “Paypal”, or “Amazon Pay”) to check out and pay for your items if you have an account or set-up an account with these services. These services will take your information (Name, E-mail, Address, and payment information) and allow you to check out quickly, especially if you already have an account with them. Clicking these links will bring up a separate window so that you can log in to their service. Once done filling out the information at one of these services you will automatically be taken to the shipping page. (the next step of this guide)
The Regular Checkout section: After the “Express Checkout” area there’s another section that starts with your contact information. Here you will fill out your email address and shipping address. Once that information is filled out you can click the “Continue to Shipping” button in the lower right corner. (PLEASE NOTE: if you have filled out anything incorrectly or missed a required field above you will be brought back to this Checkout page and asked to fill in those items again correctly)
- Now you'll be on the shipping page.
At the top the page has a list of the information you gave on the previous page in case you decide to change with your email or mailing address. Below that are your shipping options. There will be two options to choose from on this screen. These options will change based on if you spend $30 or more and are eligible for our “Free Shipping Over $30” offer:
“IN STORE PICK UP - NO SHIPPING”: The first option, “IN STORE PICK UP - NO SHIPPING,” doesn't cost anything but we will not ship the item. This option should only be chosen if you intend to come to the store and pick up the item you are buying. Once your purchase has gone through, we will grab the item(s) at the store and put it aside for when you come by the store, but again we WILL NOT SHIP THIS ITEM(S).
“Standard Shipping”: This option will cost a specified amount based on how many items you're getting, how much they weigh, and where it is being shipped. The cost of this will be listed to the right of the “Standard Shipping” text
“Free Shipping Over $50”: This option is only available for orders in the North East only over $50 before tax and shipping costs. This option doesn’t cost you anything but will have the item(s) shipped to you.
- Once you have clicked the on the circle of the shipping option you wish to use you can now proceed to the payment section by clicking the “Continue to Payment” button in the lower right. (Please note that the selected shipping option is the one where the circle to the left of the option is colored in with a blue circle.)
- Now you'll be on the payment screen.
At the top of the screen you will see a list of the information you’ve given so far: Your email address, mailing address, and your shipping selection. You can Use this section to change any of this information if you so please at any time during the payment section.
- If you have a gift card or a discount code (like those our EXP members get), you use that code on the right of the screen right below the item you are purchasing there is a space to put in the code on the back of the gift card or a code for a discount. Once you’ve correctly copied the code into the box click the “apply” button to apply the discount or gift card.
- Below that information is the “Payment” area of the screen you have three options from here:
Credit Card: In this section you can fill out the information on a credit or debit card you own to make this purchase. All you have to fill out is the card number on the front, the name on the card, the expiration date, and the security code (Which can usually be found on the back of a card near the signature area or on the front of American Express cards)
Paypal: When you click this option the page will let you know that once all the other information on this page has been filled out and you click “Complete Order” you will be redirected to a paypal page to fill out your payment information.
Amazon Pay: When you click this option the page will let you know that once all the other information on this page has been filled out and you click “Complete Order” you will be redirected to an Amazon page to fill out your payment information.
- Below that is the Billing Information section. Here you’ll provide your billing formation. If it’s the same address as your shipping information you can click the “Same as shipping address” button and you’re good to go to the next step. If not you can click the “Use a different billing address” button and it will ask for you to fill out the new billing address.
- Below that is a check box for “Remember Me.” If you click this box, you’ll be prompted to give your phone number. If you fill this out the next time you shop online with us or any shop that is powered by shopify you’ll have the information you filled out today saved to make future transactions easier. This is optional and does not need to be clicked or filled out to check out.
- BEFORE YOU CHECKOUT: Please check the information on the right hand side of the screen and make sure that you have the correct items you want to purchase in the cart and that you can okay with the total amount you are spending. The total should be updated now to reflect the tax and shipping cost added to the subtotal.
- Now you can click the “Pay Now” button at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to an payment and order overview screen that shows all the information for the transaction including an order # and other information
- CONGRATS you've placed your order with Level Up Entertainment! Now you just sit back and wait for your item to get shipped or stop by the store to pick the item up if you selected "IN STORE PICKUP - NO SHIPPING"