On a heroic, comedic quest through more than 20 levels of platform, driving and sliding action, SpongeBob and Patrick leave Bikini Bottom and journey to new and unexplored lands. Players join their struggle to defeat Plankton's diabolic scheme to take over the world...Plan Z! Plankton has stolen King Neptune's crown and assumed control of the town of Bikini Bottom, placing the blame squarely on Mr. Krabs. Together, SpongeBob and Patrick must journey to far away Shell City to recover the crown, return to Bikini Bottom and save the town and Mr. Krabs.
Item photo does not reflect the item condition. There may be alterations in completeness, damage, or otherwise that we are not able to account for. All items marked as pre-owned were sold to us in a variety of conditions and we have attempted to adjust price as much as possible. Not all games have been tested for functionality.
If you have any questions or concerns about an item you are interested in purchasing, or would like to request more information or images of the specific item up for sale, please reach out to us at contact@levelupentertainment.com.